글 / 퇴근이 곧 출근이 되고 있는 시즌
- 오늘의 편지,
Aconex Limited (ASX: ACX) is a listed public Australian company providing mobile and web-based collaboration technologies for project information and process management (also sometimes described as project management or project extranet systems), on a software as a service(SaaS) basis, to clients in the construction, infrastructure, power, mining, and oil and gas sectors. With more than 50,000 user organizations globally,[1] Aconex provides the most widely used cloud-based, multi-company project collaboration solutions for construction and engineering.
Aconex was founded in 2000 by Leigh Jasper and Robert Phillpot to offer construction collaboration and procurement management services (its name is a concatenation of Australian Construction Exchange).[2] However, due to low market interest in web-based procurement, it focused on expanding its online collaboration services, growing domestic revenue rapidly during the first half of the 2000s.
By late 2004, Aconex had established a presence in the UK market,[2] and was expanding into other regions including southeast Asia and the Middle East. Its overseas activity helped it win the 'Emerging Exporter' award in the 2006 Australian Export Awards.[3]
In September 2008, Aconex secured an A$107.5m private equity investment from US-based technology investorFrancisco Partners.[4][5] It has since established a substantial presence in North America.
By 2014, Aconex had served construction and engineering projects with an aggregate value of more than A$800 billion, across all major geographic markets, from more than 40 offices worldwide.[6]
The company completed its initial public offering (IPO) of ordinary shares on December 9, 2014 and is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) under the ticker code ACX.[7]
Products / services[edit]
Aconex services include:[8]
- Construction project information and process management (managing processes, documents, drawings, building information models, communications, workflows, audit trails, and other project information online - both mobile and web access)
- Construction field management (managing field inspections and issues from mobile devices)
- O&M manuals (developing digital operation and maintenance manuals for post-construction handover to asset owner and dynamic management of asset information)
- BIM data and process management (accessing and managing BIM models at the object level for project management)
- Interface management (identifying and resolving interface issues on oil and gas projects)
In 2011, the company launched an online bidding network, branded BidContender.[9] In 2011 and 2012, the company launched Aconex Mobile - mobile applications (iPhone and iPad) for access to the Aconex online collaboration platform.[10] In 2012, the company launched Aconex Field - a mobile field inspection and issues management solution for the iPhone and iPad,[11] and an Android version followed in 2013. Also in 2013, the company launched Aconex Smart Manuals - a collaboration solution for the post-construction handover of digital operation and maintenance (O&M) manuals.[12] In 2014, the company launched Aconex Connected BIM - an extension of the Aconex platform for BIM project collaboration[13] - and Aconex Handover - a suite of post-construction handover solutions that includes Smart Manuals and Dynamic Manuals, a mobile solution for asset information management.[14]
- ^ "How can we help?". Aconex. Retrieved 2013-06-04.
- ^ ab Wilkinson, P. (2005) Construction Collaboration Technologies: The Extranet Evolution Taylor & Francis, London.
- ^ 2006 Australian Export Awards National Winners http://www.exportawards.gov.au/Australian-Export-Awards-Winners-2006/default.aspx
- ^ "Aconex lands private equity deal", The Age, 22 September 2008, http://www.theage.com.au/business/aconex-lands-private-equity-deal-20080921-4l2d.html
- ^ "Aconex gears for expansion after $107.5 million injection", Andrew Colley, Australian IT, 22 September 2008,http://www.theaustralian.com.au/australian-it-old/aconex-secures-1075-million-injection/story-e6frgamo-1111117553725
- ^ Construction IT (Finally) Completes the 'Tower of Babel': Interview with Aconex CEO Leigh Jasper,http://www.huffingtonpost.com/james-grundvig/construction-it-finally-c_b_2852548.html/
- ^ Australian Securities Exchange website http://www.asx.com.au
- ^ Online collaboration for project information management with Aconex http://www.aconex.com/solutions
- ^ A look at BidConTender, http://extranetevolution.com/2011/05/a-look-at-bidcontender/
- ^ The Future of Construction Technology,http://www.constructech.com/news/articles/article.aspx?article_id=9407/
- ^ Aconex Touts Integration with New Field App,https://enr.construction.com/technology/information_technology/2012/1008-aconex-field-app-touts-integration.asp/
- ^ New Product Aims to Ease Operations and Maintenance Handover for Capital Projects,http://www.cadalyst.com/cad/building-design/new-product-suite-aims-ease-operations-and-maintenance-handover-capital-projects/
- ^ Project Management System Aims to Share and Enrich Building Information Models With Facility Data,http://enr.construction.com/technology/information_technology/2014/1103-project-management-system-aims-to-share-and-enrich-building-inforation-models-with-facility-data.asp/
- ^ Aconex Launches Dynamic Manuals for Mobile Handover,http://www.businessaccelerate-software.com/aconex-launches-dynamic-manuals-for-mobile-handover/
See also[edit]
* Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aconex
- 편집하는 말,
근 열흘만에 이제는 지극히 자연스럽게도 모든 일기는 집에서 출발하게 된다. 또 어느덧 익숙해진 모습이기도 하고... 회사에서의 일과를 마무리해놓고, 서둘러 귀가하면 얼추 아홉시 근방... 일기를 쓰고자 넷북 앞에 앉으면 얼추 아홉시 반이 넘는다. 그때부터가 어쩌면 내 일상의 시작인 셈,
오늘은 회사에서 주요한 두가지 이벤트가 있었지... '시사'를 이야기하자고 한 게 불과 어제인데,
대뜸 또 개인사를 늘어놓게 된다. Aconex라는 솔루션 벤더와의 미팅, 그리고 통합 DC Center를
운영하기 위한 몇 가지 전제조건들을 놓고 경륜있는 시니어들과의 미팅 자리...
- 둘 다 중요한 자리였으며, 또 적지 않은 소득을 가져다준 기회들이었다.
영어 미팅을 장시간 진행하면서, '정말 영어공부 안하면 안되겠다'는 생각이 불쑥 커졌다.
들리는 말들도 더러 있겠으나 아직도 온전히 제대로 알아듣지 못하는 내 실력을 부쩍 키우는 방법? 올해의 큰 화두 중 하나가 될 전망. (반벙어리 문제도 어떻게든 시행착오를 겪을 용기가 필요하고)
아무튼 '패밀리데이'인만큼 다들 일찍 퇴근한 저녁, 느즈막히 일들을 정리하고 퇴근길에 나섰다.
중요한, 위대한 일들을 하는 사람들은 모두 위대하다. 그 일의 하찮음? 결코 고민할 필요가 없는.
그래서 오늘의 메인은 바로 Aconex다. Global Standard의 현주소... 우리나라가 가야 할 길은 아직 멀기만 하구나, 그걸 새삼 느낀 하루.
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