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단테, 2014. 4. 28. 21:52

- Basic Books, 'The BEST BUSINESS BOOKS Ever' (Basic Books, 2011)  







아람누리에서 빌려온 원서 한권, 타이틀은 거창히도 "The Best Business Books Ever"란다. (부제로 "the most influential management books you'll never have time to read"라고도 붙었는데, 책제목도 워낙 길로 인터넷에서 검색하기도 쉽지가 않다.) 


대략 130권이 조금 넘는 책들의 목록, 그리고 이 책들마다 왜 읽어야 하는가? 또 저자의 소개와 이 책이 갖는 의미와 학문적 성취들, 그리고 참고문헌까지를 일목요연히 정리해놓은 책이다. 


일종의 "Curriculum"으로 이해하면 훨씬 더 좋을만한... - 즉, 실제 책 그 자체라고 보긴 어렵다


따져보니, 최근 며칠새 부쩍 이런 종류의 책들을 자주 빌려오고 또 훑어보곤 했다. 정작 문제는 실제 책을 읽은 게 아니란 사실(!), 또 그래서 더 학습에 게을러짐에 대한 걱정부터 앞선다. 자칫 겉멋만 든 채 실제 독서는 혹여 내팽개쳐둔 채로가 아닐까 싶어서... 더 부지런해져야 되겠다. 








Best Business Books Ever: The 100 Most Influential Management Books You'll Never Have Time To Read

Written By: 

This list of books was taken from : The Best Business Books Ever: The 100 Most Influential Management Books You'll Never Have Time To Read Z7164.C81B547 2003.   Items that have a call number listed beside them indicate that they are part of Western Libraries' collection.

In a June 2009 News item we had featured:The 100 Best Business Books of All Time by Jack Covert and Todd Sattersten    Z7164.C81C85 2009. (About the authors) (About the books)

TitleAuthorCall Number
Action Learning
Reg RevansHD31.R45
Administrative Behavior
Herbert Simon See our guide.HD31.S55 1976
The Age of Discontinuity
Peter F. Drucker See our guide.HC59.D69 1969
The Age of Unreason
Charles Handy See our guide.HD58.8.H362 1989
The Art of Japanese ManagementRichard Pascale and Anthony AthosHD70.U5P3
The Art of the Long View 
Peter SchwartzHD30.28.S316 1991
The Art of War 
Sun TzuU101.S9513 2002
A Behavioral Theory of the Firm
Richard Cyert and James MarchHD38.C9
Being Digital
Nicholas NegroponteTK5103.7.N43 1995
Stan Davis and Christopher MeyerHC79.I55D382 1998
The Borderless World
Kenichi OhmaeHF3838.D44O43 1990
Built to Last 
James Collins and Jerry PorrasHF5386.C735 1994
A Business and Its Beliefs 
Thomas Watson, Jr.HD9999.B94I57
Karl MarxHB97.5.A43 1962
The Change Masters
Rosabeth Moss Kanter See our guide.HD45.K335 1983
The Changing Culture of a Factory
Elliot Jaques See our guide.HD6974.J35
Competing for the Future 
Gary Hamel and C. K. Prahalad See our guide.HD41.H24 1994
The Competitive Advantage of Nations 
Michael Porter See our guide.HD3611.P654 1990
Competitive Strategy
Michael Porter See our guide.HD41.P67
M. Mitchell WaldropQ175.W258 1992
Barry J. Nalebuff and Adam M. BrandenburgerHD30.28.B696 1996
Corporate Strategy 
Igor AnsoffHD31.A58 1988
Corporate-Level Strategy 
Michael Goold, Marcus Alexander, and Andrew CampbellHD2756.G658 1994
The Discipline of Market Leaders 
Michael Treacy and Fred WiersemaHD41.T67 1995
Dynamic Administration 
Mary Parker Follett See our guide.HF5547.F6
Emotional Intelligence
Daniel GolemanBF561.G65 1995
The Fifth Discipline 
Peter Senge See our guide.HD58.9.F54 1994
The Functions of the Executive
Chester Barnard See our guide.HD31.B36 1968
General and Industrial Management 
Henri Fayol See our guide.HD31.F285 1949
General Theory of Employment 
John Maynard KeynesHB171.K45 1964
Getting to Yes 
Roger Fisher and William UryBF637.N4F57 1983
The Goal 
Eliyahu Goldratt (See our guide) and Jeff CoxPR9797.I859G64G6 2004
How to Win Friends and Influence PeopleDale CarnegieBF637.S8C28
The HP Way 
David PackardHD9696.A3U5757 1995
The Human Problems of an Industrial Civilization 
Elton MayoHD6331.M4
The Human Side of Enterprise 
Douglas McGregor See our guide.HF5549.M27
In Search of Excellence 
Tom Peters (See our guide) and Robert WatermanHD70.U5P424
Information Rules 
Carl Shapiro and Hal R. VarianHC79.I55S53 1999
Innovation in Marketing
Theodore Levitt See our guide.HF5415.L55
The Innovator's Dilemma
Clayton M. ChristensenHD53.C49 1997
Intellectual Capital
Thomas StewartHD53.S74 1997
The Knowledge-Creating Company 
Ikujiro Nonaka and Hirotaka TakeuchiHD30.3.N66 1995
Leaders: Strategies for Taking Charge 
Warren Bennis (See our guide) and Burt NanusHD57.7.B47 2003
James MacGregor BurnsHM141.B847 1978
Leading Change 
John P. Kotter
The Living Company: Habits for Survival in a Turbulent Business EnvironmentArie de GeusHD31.G438 1997
The Machine That Changed the World 
James P. Womack, Daniel T. Jones, and Daniel RoosHD9710.A2M24 1990
Made in Japan 
Akio Morita
Management Teams: Why They Succeed or Fail
R. Meredith BelbinHD66.B445 2004
The Managerial Grid
Robert Blake and Jane Mouton See our guide.HD31.B523 1985
Harold GeneenHD31.G395 1984
Managing Across Borders 
Christopher Bartlett and Sumantra Ghoshal See our guide.HD62.4.B36 1989
Managing on the Edge
Richard PascaleHD58.8.P365 1990
Managing TransitionsWilliam BridgesHD58.8.B75 1991
Marketing Management 
Philip Kotler See our guide.HF5415.13.K64 2000
John NaisbittHN59.2.N34
The Mind of the Strategist
Kenichi OhmaeHD38.O315 1983
Moments of Truth
Jan Carlzon
Motion Study: A Method for Increasing the Efficiency of the Workman:Frank Gilbreth See our guide.T60.M65G55
Motivation and Personality 
Abraham MaslowBF199.M3 1970
The Motivation to Work 
Frederick Herzberg (See our guide), Bernard Mausner, and Barbara Bloch SnydermanHD4904.H49 1959
My Life and Work 
Henry FordCT275.F7A3
My Years with General Motors
Alfred P. Sloan, Jr.HD9710.U54G42
Natural Capitalism
Paul Hawken, Amory B. Lovins, and L. Hunter LovinsHC106.82.H39 1999
The Nature of Managerial Work 
Henry Mintzberg See our guideHD31.M457
The New Corporate Cultures 
Terrence Deal and Allan KennedyHD30.19.D43 1999
New Patterns of Management 
Rensis Likert See our guideHD31.L429
On Becoming a Leader 
Warren Bennis See our guide.HD57.7.B4625 1989
On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures
Charles BabbageTJ153.B12 1971
On War 
Carl von ClausewitzU102.C65 1943
Onward Industry 
James Mooney and Alan Reiley
The Organization ManWilliam Whyte See our guide.BF697.W62
Organizational Culture and Leadership 
Edgar H. ScheinHD58.7.S33 1985
Organizational Learning 
Chris Argyris (See our guide.) and Donald SchonHD30.3.A74 1999
Out of the Crisis 
W. Edwards Deming See our guide.HD70.U5D45 1986
Parkinson's Law 
C. Northcote ParkinsonPN6231.M2P3 1957
The Peter Principle
Laurence PeterPN6231.M2P4 1969
Planning for Quality 
Joseph M. Juran See our guide.TS156.J85 1988
The Practice of Management 
Peter F. Drucker See our guide.HD70.U5D7
The Prince 
Niccolo MachiavelliJC143.M38 1968
Principles of Political Economy 
John Stuart MillZ8147.C34 1980
Principles of Political Economy and Taxation
David RicardoHB161.R52 1923
The Principles of Scientific Management 
Frederick Winslow Taylor See our guide.HF5500.T24
The Quest for Prosperity 
Konosuke Matsushita
Reengineering the Corporation 
James Champy and Michael HammerHD58.8.H356 1993
Relationship Marketing 
Regis McKennaHF5415.M2616 1991
Riding the Waves of CultureFons Trompenaars and Charles Hampden-TurnerHD30.55.T76 1998
The Rise and Fall of Strategic PlanningHenry Mintzberg See our guide.HD30.28.M56 1994
Small Is Beautiful 
E. F. SchumacherHB171.P33 2006
Strategy and StructureAlfred Chandler See our guide.HD70.U5C5 1970
Theory of Economic Development
Joseph A. SchumpeterHB175.S462 1983
The Theory of Social and Economic OrganizationMax WeberHB175.W371
Theory Z 
William OuchiHD70.J3O88
The Third WaveAlvin TofflerHN17.5.T643
Toyota Production System
Taiichi OhnoTS157.O5713 1988
Up the Organization 
Robert TownsendHD31.T67
Tom Copeland, Jack Murrin, and Tom KollerHG4028.V3C67 1990
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information 
Edward R. TufteHA31.T83
The Wealth of Nations
Adam SmithHB161.S65 1937
The Will to Manage
Marvin BowerHD31.B687






100 Best Business Books of All Time - How Well Do Western Libraries and Affiliates Do?

Written By: 


Recently the Business Library received the book 100 Best Business Books of All Time by Jack Covert and Todd Sattersten Z7164.C81C85 2009. (About the authors) (About the books)

Out of curiosity the staff of the Business Library decided to check our holdings against the list of titles proposed in this "100 best " list. Here is the result:

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey BF637.S8C675 2003

American Steel by Richard Preston

Age of Unreason by Charles Handy HD58.8.H362

Art of Innovation by Tom Kelley HD53.K454 2001

Art of the Start by Guy Kawasaki BRESCIA HD62.5.K22 2004

Balanced Scorecard by Robert Kaplan HD56.K35 1996

Beyond the Core by Chris Zook HD2746.Z657 2004

A Business and Its Beliefs by Thomas Watson HD9999.B94I57

Chasing Daylight by Eugene O'Kelley KING'S RC280.B7O34 2006

Competing for the Future by Henry Kressel T173.8.K755 2007

Control Your Destiny or Someone Else Will by Noel Tichy HD9697.A3U575 1993

The Creative Habit by Twyla Tharp

Crossing the Chasm by Geoffrey Moore HF5439.H54M66 1999

Discovering the Soul of Service by Leonard Berry HF5415.5.B478 1999

Driven by Paul Lawrence BF503.L39 2002

The Effective Executive by Peter Drucker HD38.D68

Emotional Intelligence by Hendrie Weisinger HF5548.8.W433 1998

The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber HD62.7.G458 1995

The Essential Drucker by Peter Drucker HD31.D7672 2001

Execution by Larry Bossidy HD31.B6245 2002

The Experience Economy by Joseph Pine HF5415.15.P56 1999

Financial Intelligence by Karen Berman HG4028.B2B422 2008

The FIrst 90 Days by Michael Watkins HD57.7.W38 2003

First, Break All the Rules by Marcus Buckingham HD38.2.B83 1999

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni HD66.L456 2002

Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi DBWSTK BF575.H27C85 1990

The Force by David Dorsey HF5439.32.T5D67 1994

Getting Things Done by Edwin Bliss HD38.B625 1991

The Goal by Eliyah Goldratt PR9797.I859G64G6 1992

Good to Great by James Collins HD57.7.C645 2001

Growing A Business by Paul Hawken

Guerilla Marketing by Jay Levinson HF5415.125.L48 1995

How To Be A Star at Work by Robert E. Kelley

How To Become A Rainmaker by Jeffrey J. Fox

How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie BRESCIA BF637.S8C28

The HP Way by David Packard HD9696.A3U5757

In Search of Excellence by Harold Kerzner HD69.P75K468

Influence : The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini BF744.C53 1993

The Innovator's Dilemma by Clayton Christensen HD53.C49 1997

Jump Start Your Business Brainby Doug Hall

The Knowing-Doing Gap by Jeffrey Pfeffer HD30.2.P486 2000

The Leadership Challenge by James Kouzes HD57.7.K68 2002

Leadership Is An Art by Max DePree HD57.7.D46 1987

The Leadership Moment by Michael Useem HM141.U83 1998

Leading Change by John Kotter HD58.8.K65 1996

The Lexus and the Olive Tree by Thomas Friedman DBW HF1359.F74 1999

Little Red Book of Selling Jeffrey Gitomer

Losing My VIrginity: how I've survived, had fun, and made a fortune doing business my way by Richard Branson HC252.5.B73B73 1998

Lucky or Smart by Bo Peabody

Made to Stick by Chip Heath DBW HM1033.H43 2007

McDonald's by John Love TX945.5.M33L68 1986

Moments of Truth by Jan Carlzon

Moneyball by Michael Lewis DBW GV880.L49 2003

The Monk and the Riddle by Randy Komisar HC102.5.K66A3 2000

More Than You Know by Michael Mauboussin DBW HG4521.M365 2008

My Years With General Motors by Alfred Sloan HD9710.U54G42

Naked Economics by Charles Wheelen

Never Give Inpeeches by Winston Churchill selected by his grandson Winston S. Churchill

A New Brand World by Scott Bedbury HD69.B7B36 2002

Now, Discover Your Strengths by Marcus Buckingham HF5549.5.M63B83 2001

Oh The Places You'll Go by Dr. Seuss/Theodore Geisel

On Becoming a Leader by Warren Bennis HD57.7.B4625 1989

Only the Paranoid Survive by Andrew Grove HD58.8.G765 1996

Orbiting the Giant Hairball by Gordon MacKenzie

Out of Control by Kevin Kelley DBW HC79.T4K44 1995

Out of the Crisis by W. Edwards Deming HD70.U5D45 1986

The Partnership Charter by David Gage

Personal History Katharine Graham Z473.G7A3

Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind by Al Ries HF5827.2.R53 1986

The Power of Intuition by Gary Klein

Purple Cow by Seth Godin

Questions of Character by Joseph Badaracco HD57.7.B334 2006

The Radical Leap by Steve Farber HD57.7.F365 2004

Reengineering the Corporation by Michael Hammer HD58.8.H356 2001

The Republic of Tea by Mel Ziegler, Patricia Ziegler and Bill Rosenzweig

The Rise of the Creative Class by Richard Florida DBW HD53.F59 2002

Sam Walton: Made in America - My Story by Sam Walton HC102.5.W35A3 1992

Secrets of Closing the Sale by Zig Ziglar

Selling the Invisible by Harry Beckwith HD9980.5.B425 1997

Six Thinking Hats by Edward De Bono DBW BF441.D3873 1997

The Smartest Guys in the Room by Bethany McLean HD9502.U54E5763 2003

The Story Factor by Annette Simmons

Swim With the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive by Harvey MacKay

The Team Handbook Peter Scholtes HD66.S37 1988

Thinkertoys by Michael Michalko

The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell DBW HM1176.G53 2000

Titan CT275.R75C47 2004

To Engineer is Human Henry Petrosli

Toyota Production System by Taiichi Ohno TS157.O5713

Up the Organization HD31.T67

A Whack on the Side of the Head by Roger van Oech

What Should I Do With My Life?by Po Bronson

What the CEO Wants You to Know by Ram Charan

When Genius Failed by Roger Lowenstein HG4930.L69

Who Says Elephants Can't Dance by Louis Gerstner HD9696.2.U64I2545 2002

Why We Buy by Paco Underhill HF5415.2.U53

The Wisdom of Crowds by James Surowiecki KING'S JC328.2.S87W5

Zag by Marty Neumeier HD69.B7N3847 2007


You may also wish to check out the "Best Business Books Ever: The 100 Most Influential Management Books You'll Never Have Time to Read"






The Best Business Books Ever

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