- 잡동사니/뉴스레터

2015년 3월 20일 (금)

단테, 2015. 3. 20. 16:51

글 / 이른바 "창직", 그 잠정적 결론 (Content Management)      

- 오늘의 편지, 




Fluor Knowledge onLineSM - Knowledge Sharing Tool 

Fluor Knowledge onLine<sup>SM</sup> - Knowledge Sharing Tool


Fluor's award-winning knowledge management system, Knowledge onLine, enables employees throughout Fluor's worldwide offices to access corporate information and contribute solutions and expertise. This tool promotes collaboration and provides a systematic way to capture, share, and reuse the company's knowledge to solve the most complex project challenges. Knowledge onLine is organized into communities based on disciplines and functions allowing distribution of work without moving people around. Fluor's knowledge management technology platform is positioned as the delivery mechanism for all practices and procedures, training material, collaboration, and expertise.


Client Benefits

The power of Fluor's people sharing knowledge, their ability to access global expertise, and Fluor’s integrated work processes enhances the quality, safety, and productivity of Clients' projects. Fluor’s systematic way of capturing, sharing, and expanding knowledge across the company saves projects time and money. Knowledge management enables Fluor to continuously improve work processes and gives all employees access to technical experts around the globe that can provide real-time solutions to complex project problems.

As knowledge management at Fluor continues to increase in value, Fluor's ability to provide Clients innovative solutions to project and business challenges is proven daily. Many of these knowledge management success stories are available to help demonstrate the value knowledge management brings to Clients.



* Fluor, http://www.fluor.com/about_fluor/corporate_information/technologies/Pages/technology-info.aspx?tid=105&segment=2&bsl=Engineering  


- 편집하는 말,   


며칠째 가장 큰 고민은 다름아닌 'Career Goal' Image였고... 마침내 오늘은 얼추 잠정적인 결론에 다다른다. (이름하여 "Content Management"다.) 새로운 조직에 모인 다양한 배경을 지닌 사람들을 한데 아우를 수 있고, 또 그것을 통해 가장 경쟁력을 갖는 모델을 고안해내는 일, 그 1차적 형태이자 일종의 '전략'이기도 한 셈. 


남은 문제는 이제 이 대단한 '타협'안에 대해 각자 스스로한테 미칠 영향들을 놓고 과연 어떤 반응을 나타내느냐, 현실적으로 경쟁력을 갖겠느냐다. 전혀 다른 배경, 지식, 지향점을 가진 한 집단에서 품어볼 수 있는 '최적'안을 구상해내는 일... 현재의 내 당면과제는 바로 이것.  


회사에 떠도는 소문들은 갈수록 흉흉해진다. 어떡하랴, 오로지 '외길 ' 뿐이니... 먹먹히 쳐다볼 뿐이니,

- 이 '시국'에...    


- 블로그의 글,     

- 인터넷의 글,     

- 그밖의 말들,   

* 글, http://blog.daum.net/dante21      

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